imba 2019 calendar.
What if feedback towards the creative ones, was merged into a digital tool/weapon?
The Ultimate Client Feedback Kit was imba’s 2019 calendar. Digital era has changed a lot to advertising and the creative industry in general, yet only one element remains the same, the client feedback! From the best to worst, the most weird ones, slightly offensive ones or even absurd ones, all were collected by IMBA advertising agency and formed into a calendar. Working as a digital kit as well, for all those who want to sent their feedback in an animated and different way.

From the usual phrase: “I need it till today” to: “Ok, I’m buying”. Made to bring laughs at the office on the rainiest of days.

The printed version of imba 2019 calendar, comes with a QR code, via which the user can download all 12 animated feedback, and send directly an edgy quote, in the best way that the meme era offers; glorious gifs! Snakes wrapping around awards, ideas that fall off from vending machines, eternal waiting for Skype calls and meetings that never happened, clients that ask concepts without having any budget, even time machines to reach the deadlines.