El Gato Negro churros.
If a cat could have a sugar rush, it would be this one! El Gato Negro churreria had a mascot from day one- a black alley cat. Offering churros, most distinctively, along with all kinds of sweet and savoury delights, from pancakes to ice cream and waffles to crepes, this alley cat serves only the very best.
An alley cat with a sweet tooth
It is a magic place that sweetens your tummy and warms your heart; those are all the components we put into its design approach.
The black cat is loud yet mysterious, as he lurks here and there keeps a look out over his territory. Large, wide eyes forming different expressions is the key visual element we introduce to the brand, reminiscent of older cartoon scenes when in complete darkness animators would indicate the presence of characters by only showing the basic form of their eyes. The cat’s presence is shown either through the simple use of the eyes on dark background or at times in full body if the design application calls for it.
Speech bubbles following the brand’s color palette and mottos are the complimentary elements to this visual identity, through which the brand can communicate all basic information. Combined with the use of Brice as the logo’s typeface, in all its contemporary, voluptuous glory, the ultimate goal of creating a young, pop, delicious visual identity is achieved.

With all these brand elements in hand, we set out to implement them in every little corner of the shop where it could make a difference. Multiple paper coffee-cups with different cat eyes expressions, custom-made cat-themed ice cream labels and plant pots, photo-op design on “El Gato Negro churreria” wall, to name a few.
Meet El Gato Negro, an alley cat with a sweet tooth!