Beetrip honey.
The pursuit of happiness.
Once a civil engineer, now a beekeeper and producer of Beetrip honey, George Tripkos decided to enter the market with an unexpected approach on a commodity product as honey. The family of products consists of four varieties: pine, chestnut, forest and flower honey. As the name suggests, Beetrip honey is the product of the bees journey to nature and its flora – spanning from western Macedonia, to Chalkidiki and mount Athos. Privately held beehives and responsible beekeeping practices, ensure the highest quality.

Beetrip honey, is the realisation of chasing one’s dreams, in the real world. Choosing vision over routine.

George Tripkos, the founder and beekeeper of Beetrip honey, gave up a life of civil engineering to practice beekeeping. While that is definitely not something you hear every day, it is something that was done in style.

Boo Republic managed to encompass the significant details that reflect George’s ethos and mission. With a focus and emphasis on the fact that each jar of honey originates from controlled pollination in the dense forests of Greece, natural elements are illustrated and nestled snugly behind the typeface. Each respective flavour hosts a different image, whether it be a chestnut or oak leaf. A colour palette inspired by nature lays the foundation for all illustrations and the post stamp, signifies the journey of the bees as well as the journey of the founder into a new way of living, upon choosing agriculture as a career. Additionally, the company logo is a unified complex of letters, a fluid composition, decorated with discrete folklore ornaments.